Stephanie Kon Ripstein

3400 N.E. 192 th Street, Tower 600-PH 4 Aventura, Florida

33180 Phone/FAX (305) 931-2201-1505 and


 *Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award 2000 by Northwood University in West Palm Beach.

2000-2005 Founder and President of S.K. Ripstein Enterprises Inc., an Entertainment enterprise specializing in public relations, Special Events, Journalism, publicity and promotions.

Career Objective

To expand my connection with the people via the multimedia industry and my current knowledge of the TV, Radio, P.R., journalism and publishing. Grow with the transforming entertainment area in a real and committed way for the public. Creating, designing and producing stories with a strong imagination, innovation and visual creativity, that the Latin and American public can identify with and demand as a whole. Continue a high-energy career that will span over many generations a long with changing times.

Work Experience

2005 Executive board member of NALIP ( National Association of Latin independent producers)

2003 -2004 Arts & Entertainment Editor For Aventura en Español magazine (Miami Fl)

2003 Movie section reporter for the show THE ROOF @ Mun2 TV.

2003-2005 Freelance reporter : ACTUAL MAGAZINE in Mexico City and Four Jewish community papers

2003 Location Scouting for Winslow Productions “A Boy and his Dog” feature film.

2001-2003 Executive Board member and chair of the marketing committee forthe IFP (Independent feature Project ) South Florida.

2000-2003 Executive Board Member of the LATIN FILM FESTIVAL in Miami Beach.(P.R., Special Events for the and promotion for the festival. Also executive board member of the IFP South Florida. (Independent Feature Project )

2000- on Founder and President of S.K. Ripstein Enterprises Inc ., an Entertainment enterprise

Specializing in public relations, Special Events, Journalism, talent and promotions. For Info:

With her company S.K.Ripstein Enterprises; Stephanie has worked on Public Relations and Special Event coordinator; For various Designers, celebrities, nightclubs, Companies and & special events for different Movie releases for Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures, 20 th Century fox, MGM, Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures, Buena Vista Films and for The Imax Theatre.

Also Publicity and management for Talent in every field including entertainment, (actors, artists), sports, medical, politics and others.

2000 Moroch & Associates - Marketing and P.R. Agency Handling Walt Disney or Buena Vista Films and Touchstone pictures.

2000 MTV Latin America- Reporter and writer for the movie segment FilMTV in the prime time show:”Conexion”


Rubicom Entertainment - “Intraroyal” Miami fl. Freelance Reporter for Entertainment News. Interviewing artists, producers and directors, such as Jennifer Lopez, James Cameron, Pierce Brosnan, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias, Arturo Ripstein, Mariel Hemmingway, Edward James Olmos, Jeffrey Katzemberg, Burt Reynolds, Jerry Bruckheimer and many more internationally renown Entertainment Personalities.


Tv Novelasand MIRA! magazine Miami Fl. Freelance Writer


 Grupo Telecable Mexicano Host-Writer -Director of “Magacine”, a section of “Cable Club” the Entertainment Section of the show, consisting of 15 minutes on the weekly show.


Grupo Telecable Mexicano Host-Writer-Producer-Director of “Cinema TVC” a show specializing in Entertainment and Movies.


Grupo Siete: Radio Cambio 14.40 Host-Writer-Producer “Alrededor de la pantalla” Show specializing in Entertainment and Movies.


Cinemania Magazine - Dedicated to movies and entertainment- freelance Writer


Freelance Writer for various newspapers and magazines such as: Kesher Newspaper, Bet-el Magazine, CDI Newspaper (Jewish Sports Newspaper), Imagen Newspaper, Mount Sinai Magazine & newspaper


Estrenos Magazine (Magazine from Spain) in México City. Editorial Coordinator.


 Magazine “Solo Cine” . Editor in Chief for the magazine, promotions and special events



Editorial Cinemania in Mexico City Assistant to the Editor of the Magazine.


Centro Creati . Teacher of Theatre and Physical Expression of Children.


Association of Colony Tecamachalco Writer, Formatter, Research, Production for the news bulletin (Newspaper of the Association).


Televisa, Bacardi and Company T.V. Host – “Valores Juveniles Bacardi”



Theatre Diego Rivera , Leading Role – in the play “The World is Falling on Me”, Directed by, Jorge Pondal.



Multilingual (Spanish - English - Italian - Hebrew), US Resident Computer Literate, Journalist, Writer, Producer, Actor / Host, Director, Anchor, Spokesperson (Radio), Movie Expert. Special event management. Public relations, talent management and marketing specialist. Strategic thinker with ability to work under pressure and accomplish “the impossible”.





Lorenzo de Medici in Florence Italy - Intensive course on Cinematography, TV production and Italian.

1996 & 99

Acting Intensive at “Little Theatre School” ( Miami) Teacher: Joanie Edwards from New York City.


Intensive course of Marketing and Public Relations at the Universidad Anahuac del Norte, Mexico City


Journalism and advertising Intensive at Universidad Anahuac del Norte, Mexico City.

1993 to 97

Universidad Anahuac del Norte , Estado de Mexico Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicacion .(College Degree in Science of Communications, Majoringin TV Production, Publicity & promotions)


Radio and television intensive at Universidad Anahuac del norte, México City. (propedeutico)



Steve Cuiffo - Studio Center - C.E.O
John Delia –Moroch and Associates- Advertising, P.R., publicity and promotions.
Ben Starling- Northwood University- West Palm Beach- Entrepeneur of the year program
Jaime - Miami Latin Film Festival- President
Melvin Akerman- Multimedia Producer @ Digital Television Latin America

*Telephones available upon request

All website design, text, graphics, selection and arrangement there of are the copyrighted
works of S.K Ripstein Enterprises Inc, © Copyright 2005-2009 - All Rights Reserved.